The Underground Sound - Ep. 28
"Scared Of Nothing" song review by The Underground Sound in Ep. 28
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Last time we heard this artist she was "Sick Of It", and Maya Clars is "Scared Of Nothing" now, so..
Mr. Carlos Fandango:
Yeah, that was a while ago wasn't it but this one um was uploaded 12 days ago on Slaps.com and has already had 40 saves 533 plays and 692 fires because Maya is on Slaps a lot and probably on social media a lot she's working it and creating a massive following so people naturally then listen to a music straight away save it and this is the way you've got to do it really you know just.. um.. she's always on there commenting on people's songs and giving them encouragement and positivity so this is the second song from her "For Your Dreams" EP. And I thought you might find this interesting often our second track is a bit of a Karma sort of a ballad track and this is what it is and uh.. it took me a couple of listens to sort of get used to it I think actually it's a real grower the more you hear it the more you're gonna like this one.
Okay, well, this is my um.. this is my first time listening to this song obviously, but I gotta say 533 plays 40 saves 692 fires and on top of that 223 comments left on the song, uh.. which is just absolutely fantastic. So very happy for Maya with that one posted 12 days ago "Scared Of Nothing" also available on Spotify, Apple Music, that YouTube and Amazon music and obviously if you need to find this immediately head down to the video description below, find the link to Maya Clars, click on that link and you will find her right away. But for right now let's listen to "Scared Of Nothing" by Maya Clars. Let's check it out.
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Maya Clars with "Scared Of Nothing" Um.. so, since Carlos Fandango, Oliver already has heard the song multiple times as he's mentioned the Smart Monkey, let's hear your comments
Mr. Smart Monkey:
Yes, so Maya's fresh to my ears I mean I hadn't been I hadn't joined The Underground Sound back in the days when you reviewed it before so she was relatively new to me and um.. her vocals are just beautifully soothing that's the only way that I could put it and, you know, I inevitably went to go and check out some of her other sort of songs and her following and yeah she is building up a good following and deservedly so because you know they are they are hooked into to those vocals and that style she brings this one's a bit more of a script back um.. kind of filtered this song but I think it's really good so some of our other songs are a little bit more um.. they're not quite stripped back as this but this one gives that ability for her vocals to shine on top of what is effectively an acoustic guitar. It's really hard to pin it down vocally but and this is going to sound really odd but I quite liked it when I thought would I come up with this but she sounded almost like Enya but then you did pop.. Yes, is very soothing very dreamy vocal on this song and yet it's not be element to it as well at the same time, so yeah it's it's just a nice dreamy soothing track yet still managed to keep a little bit of upbeat "pop-ins" to it. Um.. yeah very very good really really enjoyed it.
It's a bit of a departure from "Sick Of It's", Carlos Fandango we'll see you
Mr. Carlos Fandango:
Yeah I mean I think Maya is showing off her.. say "showing off" uh.. showing her skills in different types of song compositions now with this one as I say it took me a little while because I was probably expecting something different but there are a lot of um.. girls and ukulele tracks go on the guitar tracks now of the girl and guitar type of singers there's a certain sort of high gigh uh.. what's the word, um.. I have registered I've registered so so and but she's got something different about her voice whereas a lot of them those kind of type of singers singing those type of songs sound the same she does have ability to sound slightly different and and I've written down soft, sweet, simple, subtle and I think I'll add soothing to that from Rob, because I think that was exactly the right word it's very soothing song the harmonies are very delicate, the song itself develops very gently. I mean you know it's it's build around the guitar the acoustic guitar and her voice. Um.. but the subtle elements that just sort of just gently brought in like the uh.. the little hand taps on the guitar and the synthesizer sort of the sounds and they're just brought in just temporarily and then they can and it's discarded as the song develops. Um.. but it's it's extremely understated and this is a lesson for a lot of people, including myself, not to go overblown all the time but when you strip things back like like I did on my song letting you go piano vocal cello scary thing to do to strip back but my goodness me the reaction of stripped back song compared to all the overblown stuff is incredible how much more, uh.. how how hard that can hit people so there's a lesson to be drawn from that but um.. but again you know you've got the focus on the lyrics and the voice and you've also then got that lovely little guitar run down "thing-be-re-bed-them thing-be-re-bed-them" going on a couple of times there just nice little details all the way through, but commercially viable as well because I um.. I would say this is something you could have on a film like "Emily" or you know one of those kind of sort of um.. quirky little films or I love rom-com or something you know so it's definitely got commercial viability and uh.. hats off to mine she's just I think she's made something my I say she's done something very beautiful.
Maya I say yeah from Carlos Fandango as as per usual
Um.. so here's the thing it's again my first time hearting it and so I have kind of like mixed feelings about it because, you know, we go from a Billie Eilish style song like "Sick Of It" to you know uh.. a song where it's really really difficult for me to kind of like place where it's at where it's going, so to your point Enya I was kind of thinking maybe Lisa Loeb or, you know, something of that or some artist of that nature, here's the thing the song is quite soothing it's uh.. radio friendly 3 minutes 17 seconds definitely commercially viable because as Carl had mentioned, you know, could be definitely in a uh.. in some kind of rom-com and it would fit very nicely into it. I think Maya has a great voice and it's only going to get better because uh.. I don't know how old she is but she's definitely a, you know, a younger woman because I've seen some of her stuff on Instagram where she's just sitting there singing and playing her ukulele just by herself and, you know, she's got the fan base growing and everything like that so I mean Maya is going places. I don't know who's recording this, I don't know if it's Maya recording these songs or not, but I don't know if you guys picked up on it through this recording or the times when you listened to it there were a lot of "pops" in the recording in the microphone tons of them as a matter of fact so microphone "pops" and I'm not sure if that was part of the music or not. Um.. but from a production standpoint is sounded like a "pop" like there was there's a "pop" block, pop blocker missing. And so it kind of like it seemed to clip at times there.
Mr. Carlos Fandango:
Yeah so I think a Maya does do her own recordings at home and so forth I think from memory and I think you know the thing is when you're doing a soft song and you're singing softly, you get closer to the microphone but you need a pop shield for a start but if you do get those "pops" an important thing for anybody out there that's making the music if you do, you know, listen it carefully to each of the vocal lines on their own and you missing out for those "pops" on the peas and those harsh consonants. And all that sort of things so all those you can just it's worth paying attention to the detail if you just just sort of put the fading on each of those phrases when you cut the phrases all up each individual one and again, if some songs require having a bit of breathing and breath work in them and keeping them in because it carries and conveys some emotion most of the time though a lot of the vocals can be chopped up into their little inch line segments and then if you just pay attention to the findings and just soften those consonants and those harsher sounds and the "pops" the best way of course to remedy is to record it properly in first place. So that's always the thing if you pay attention do a dummy recording listen to the vocals is it "popping". Yeah, okay, well then maybe sing away from the microphone on the PE words and it's just that little attention to detail where you're singing those words makes a massive difference.
Well I've always said one of the, one of the biggest bigger pieces of advice that I've always given is if you look at how my pop blocker is placed right over here is very directly in front of my face so if you sing like this you're definitely, you know, you're pushing all the air out that way so you're not going to hear those harsh scarves like those harsh classes "pa-pa pa-ba" because it was just it was only a couple of times here but it was enough to be noticeable where because, you know, it literally sounds like you're kind of like tapping on the microphone with your finger. Right so Carl gave really great advice there with, you know, chop them down like really maximize, you know, your vocal at the point where, you know, that you're kind of like, you know, have that thing going on and then just kind of like go in there cut it down into a section get the faders in drop maybe even the volume a little bit just right at that moment. It is a very labor intensive but very well worth it also because at the end of the day the track will sound, you know, fantastic as any attraction. But, once again, this is not be taken away anything from this track because this track was lovely and once again, I do think that Maya has an extremely bright future ahead of her uh.. once again, I don't know I don't know where she's at with the uh...
What are you looking for again man?
Mr. Carlos Fandango:
It's me sorry, sorry. It was just something for the next section ....
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Don't do it just wrap up here with Maya Clars.
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Was this the song that was the direct submission?
Mr. Carlos Fandango:
Okay. So there you go so thank you Maya Clars for the direct submission of that song and we do obviously wish you the best we will be keeping tabs on your profile because I know that I'm following you I'm pretty sure that Carl is following you as well Rob, are you following Maya?
Mr. Smart Monkey:
I believe I am yes
Okay. After he made the mouse click to follow, yes
Mr. Smart Monkey:
Signed in it I'm doesn't show it
March 11, 2023