Era Wadi - Listening to your music live
"Girls Are Vampires" stream by Era Wadi
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This is Maya Clars with "Girls Are Vampires" Official Music Video.
Where do you live?
Cool, wow cool
That's cool
Woow that's cool!
That's cool vibe! ... It's really dancy cover of this…. It has a good tempo
I like your voice!
Pretty soft. This angle! That's my favorite angle right there! The upper angle - that's cool!
This is a cool song! Yeah that's cool!
Good job Maya! ….. I'm glad. I like that the song is in my opinion better than the video, you know what I mean. The video is like you're shooting something and then combining the footage of stuff that you have, but the song is really really good, so I stayed in the video, and I liked that it shows some of your personality. Some of like who you are as a person… Where do you live though?
That weird creepiest woods! Creepiest woods! It reminded me of the show "Dark"… Yeah, I feel like the song was really-really good, so it held me into the video where if the song wasn't as good...but there's also space there to like make a remix of it, do different kind of videos. But you have a good… you have a great voice, very cool.
May 2, 2023